Download booger man video game
Download booger man video game

download booger man video game

Gasshole: Both Boogerman and the Booger Meister are this.It's also how the Big Bad is defeated, er, defecated in this manner as our hygienically-challenged hero burps him into the toilet flushing him away for good. Fun with Flushing: Boogerman will flush himself down toilets to enter a sewer loaded with powerups and enemies.And of course this continues with Boogerman's ClayFighter appearance, where even his farts are used as Claytalities.Revolta can burp up storm clouds that generate lightning.Farts on Fire: After eating a red pepper.Fartillery: Both Boogerman and the Booger Meister can use their own farts as weapons.Evil Counterpart: Booger Meister to Boogerman, right down to the farts, burps, and being rich.Exaggerated in special stages as they flush you down even further. Down the Drain: Exaggerated, the whole game is set here.This can be upgraded further with chilies, giving them extra damage as the gas ignites. Charged Attack: Burps and farts can be made into projectiles if you give them a little time.Breath Weapon: Chilies allow Boogerman to belch flames.The difference this time is that it shoots you up to the first floor of the game rather than down. Book Ends: The game ends as it began, with Boogerman flushing himself down a toilet.Almighty Janitor: Boogerman's civilian day job.

download booger man video game

One of her attacks has her send out a face that tries to kiss you.

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All Love Is Unrequited: Revolta has a crush on Boogerman.Absurdly-Spacious Sewer: The toilets in the levels lead you to these types of bonus areas.1-Up: Sometimes found within the levels, but more often than not, getting one of these requires you to collect 30 or more plungers and pop about 10 or more pimples when you reach the end of the level.In 2020, the game comes part of one of the titles of the " Interplay Collection" for the new handheld console Evercade. He became a playable character in ClayFighter 63⅓ for the Nintendo 64, where he's The Rival to Earthworm Jim.Ī Kickstarter to make an HD reboot of the game was attempted, but it failed. During this time, he accidentally sneezes into the machine and a hand grabs the power source, causing Snotty to go into the other dimension and retrieve it. Snotty Ragsdale is an Eccentric Millionaire who takes a janitorial job at Professor Stinkbaum's lab to investigate a machine that vows to get rid of all of the world's pollution to another dimension. Boogerman: A Pick and Flick Adventure is a 1994 Platform Game made by Interplay Entertainment for the Sega Genesis in 1994 and the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in 1995, with a strong focus on Toilet Humor.

Download booger man video game